Leadership When Hardship


The pathway to an organization’s objectives shows how a leader has been played his/her role. The states of crisis or solutions always get emerged and there comes the final role.

Let’s go with the topic of crisis in leadership skills. The theory of having only strong vision and being a good leader can’t be verifiable always. At the time when an organization faces a mess, associates already get disoriented. So instead of a leader’s vision of inspiration, firstly they need a hand of reliance, a mind that acknowledges their emotions. If the mastermind leader with blooming hands gets right, the associates will emerge stronger and be more resilient along with the organization.

  • There is no business target, the only target is the health of the people.
  • We have done great in the last 9 months; then why can not we pay for 3 months to the employees who have contributed to the company for a long time.
  • Do not go for job cuts even in case of performance ground, observe them and wait till good times come. Because that person will not be able to get a job in this situation.

These three brightest lines aren’t only a statement of the Managing Director, but also a working constitution. In the late March of 2020 – the just beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, this forward-looking and courageous statement was given. Magically it has turned very positive to the organization and consequently, all the operations started cruising finely. Associates did not lose motivation and during the pandemic, they did fantastically. With a satisfactory achievement in commercial viability, the organization started working on social activism too.

Analyzing 3 statements, we can have the following clarifications –

Clear communication:

A leader always should be very clear, precise and speedy in communication. And it’s the most important element in leadership. The organization just starts facing crisis and you are seeing situations changing every time, everyday. In addition clarity, transparency, honesty and empathy in communication are necessary.

Quick decision:

Quick decision with a steadily sharp mind is a perfect leader’s quality. And of course experiences furnish leaders day after day, situation after situation.

Setting priority:

Need to be focused on 2/3 priorities emphasizing employee’s safety and security, financial liquidity and operational continuity.


Changing circumstances make leaders shine. Strong leaders are always ready to get going ahead of changing circumstances. They seek inputs and information from diverse sources, obviously are not afraid to admit what they don’t know, and bring in outside expertise when needed.

And when you are a leader, consciously decide what not to do also. Hold off out-choice large initiatives and expenses. Prioritize ruthlessly.

And publicize your “what not to do” choices.

In conclusion, it is evident that HOLDING is the main virtue of a leader to spread calmness in crisis and engagement of leader with empathetic mindset give the confidence to the team and that boost the moral and motivation of the team which ultimately reflect in results.


Leadership When Hardship | This article was also published on the 4th Marketing Day (2021) Publication.
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