Let’s Write

Calling all marketing mavens and advertising enthusiasts! Do you craft compelling content about marketing, branding, advertising, or related fields? Itching to showcase your creative ideas? Share your insights and expertise at Ads of Bangladesh!

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Content Tips:

Content Categories:
Stories: This category is for insightful articles, thought leadership pieces, and in-depth analyses. Articles should be at least 500 words.

Creative Library: This category showcases your creative work. You can upload visuals, campaigns, or other marketing assets. Each creative must be accompanied by a Title (Briefly describe the creative piece.), Description and Credits.

Language: Can be in English or Bangla, though English is preferred.

General Guidelines:
• Originality: We encourage original, unpublished content.
• Quality: Ensure your writing is clear, concise, and grammatically correct. Proofread carefully before submitting.
• Target Audience: Tailor your content to marketing, branding, and advertising professionals, with a balance of practicality and theoretical insights.
• Visuals: Include relevant and high-quality visuals to enhance reader engagement.
• Call to Action: Encourage readers to comment, share, or explore further resources.
• Attribution: If you reference external sources, include proper citations.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Ads of Bangladesh! We look forward to reading your insightful and creative content.