
Satisfaction or Drawing Attention

A proverb goes that “Nothing is permanent except change”. This statement truly goes with the present customers. Today’s customers are much more knowledgeable and informative than the past customers. Because of the availability of enough information, customers’ sphere of thinking has increased and for this reason customers’ choices are changing dramatically within short time. Before the prime motive of almost all the marketers was customer satisfaction through which marketers believed that customers will remain with the marketers for a long time. But now drawing customer attention is much valuable and effective than the customer satisfaction. When customers go for buying, they buy those products which comes first before them. For instance, when we are going to buy mineral drinking water we do not consider which company offers higher satisfaction whether it is MUM, PRAN, FRESH or MUKTA rather we drink the water which comes first in the eye. This is similarly true for the Confectionary brands like PRAN, Olympic, Bisk Club and so on. We find which one is available right now for consumption rather which made me satisfied before.

At the time of surfing facebook, Instagram or other social media sites, customers see so many ads simultaneously and these make the customers persuade to buy the product. So, it is really difficult for a marketer to maintain customer satisfaction rather they have to put all the effort to pull the attention of the customers.
It will be worthy decision for every marketers not to depend on the customer satisfaction but to appear the products in front of the customers for selling products. How much time a company is able to retain the customers through their product is the main fact. So it can be said that “Customer Satisfaction is nothing, drawing attention is everything”.

Abdullah Al Noman

BBA/MBA Department of Marketing University of Dhaka




This article was published in the publication of Bangladesh Marketing Day 2019. 

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