
Consumers Are No Longer Just Consumers

At present, the line between consumers and sellers is fading up everywhere. The role of the consumer has changed. They are not just a consumer anymore but also a reviewer, content creator or even a seller. The retail business must understand the needs of consumers in each state. In order to continuing expansion and creating experiences for consumers at the right pace by which this experiences will be a measure of whether to use the next service or to tell. The new retail business should be more than a retailer but an “Experience Provider”. We can see that in the era when products were the same, no consumer could remember what product or services we sold. The same product, only thing that consumers can remember is the “experience” and “feeling” received. Therefore, the retail business should focus on fulfilling the consumer experience in every touchpoint that customers will find along the route.
Most of the products that are easy to sell on online channels are functional product; but the wisdom of selling expensive, high-end goods online has debated since e-commerce become a reality. Emotional Product of Fashion or Luxury as difficult products to sold in online channels. As the customers drawn towards the product due to some physical or psychological attraction of the product. The real world customers still want to touch or see products with eyes and try to wear, which is another question of how to make the customer experience all this completely as that customer experience need to combine online & offline world together.

If understanding the behavior of consumers, anyone speak of Data in a tank filled with information we do not know that it will take the information that used to benefit the company that is focused particularly on the customer data platform. That not only knows that customers buy only one thing, but must have creativity to pick up all the available information and to analyze to know why customers buy that product, which makes it possible to understand and care for the best customer.

Many people may think that e-commerce is something that the retailer is afraid of and is an indispensable thing, but actually the heart that makes retailers survive and grow is “Taking consumers as a location (Consumer-oriented).” In an era where technology is emerging every day, organizations cannot leap towards every technology. However, required to adjust with a clear direction by taking advantage of consumers as a location.
Now in this era of information consumers watchfully consider a company’s ethical values and authenticity before buying their products. It represents the biological shift in consumer expectations of retailer. Retailer’s foremost duty to find out what their customer is passionate about seeking their trust. Consumers now found their voice to talk about brand & products. Relationship between consumers & retailers make the voice work for them as the ultimate consumer experience work as lighthouse. This is another level of understanding consumer experience “The consumer Lighthouse.”

Habib Rahman

Curator, Habson Communication
Email: habib@habson.org


This article was published in the publication of Bangladesh Marketing Day 2019. 

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