
Best Stay Home Ad Campaigns for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The world becomes an astonishing halt for the coronavirus outbreak, and countries around the world are taking measures to stop spreading.

Social distancing helps decrease the spreading of COVID-19 drastically, staying home is the best way to maintain social distancing. So brands are come up with the Stay Home campaigns to create awareness to their customer and keep the interest intact.

Here is some #StayHome digital campaign around the world.

Apple – Creativity Goes On

We have always believed deeply in the power of creativity. Now, more than ever, we’re inspired by people in every corner of the world finding new ways to share their creativity, ingenuity, humanity and hope.


YouTube – #StayHome and help save lives #WithMe

Staying home right now isn’t just about keeping you and your family safe—it’s about helping to save the lives of others. But, just because we’re apart, doesn’t mean we can’t do things together. Please #StayHome and help save lives #WithMe.


UBER – Thank You For Not Riding

Thank you for not riding with us right now.
When you #StayHome we can all #MoveWhatMatters.

Honda #StayHome

Dove – Courage is Beautiful

To all the front-line heroes, and to those who support them – we thank you for your courage and care.

Nike – Play for the World, You Can’t Stop Us

We may not be playing together, but we’ll keep moving forward—all 7.8 billion of us. For daily tips and inspiration on ways to stay active


Netflix – The Spoiler Billboard

New York State – Wear a Mask

Governor Cuomo called on all New Yorkers to submit videos on social media demonstrating the importance of wearing a mask in public. We responded, with our take on how to unite New York around this important public health measure:

The greatest city in the world is hurting. New York has borne the full brunt of this global epidemic and as the weeks drag on, exhaustion and helplessness kick in. But we cannot give up. We cannot let our guards down. We must stay strong, vigilant and continue to protect ourselves and our fellow New Yorkers. So to help encourage people to wear face masks outside, we created a PSA film showing New Yorkers protecting their most beloved resident—Lady Liberty! She proudly displays her new face mask inspiring all New Yorkers to do the same. The film also aims to move New York leadership to place a real mask on the Statue Of Liberty, transcending the 30-second film and creating a cultural moment that can inspire people not just in New York, but around the world.

Turkey – #TogetherToday

X Ceramics Group – #BeResponsible #StayHome

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